
Connan Mockasin - Forever Dolphin Love

Connan Mockasin is a psychedelic blues'n'pop musician from New Zealand. Originally the formation was a group called Connan and the Mockasins. Formed in 2005, the band was firstly concerned in blues production, shyly touring in New Zealand small theaters. In May 2006 they relocated to London and became more and more influent in the English blues scene till 2007, when they released a third album, Sneaky Sneaky Dogfriend, that get a rather big success in Northern Europe.
Then the line-up of the band was deeply affected by departures and replacements, so it became a solo act under the name Connan Mockasin with the leading figure of Connan Hosford. He started touring with members of Late Of The Pier, Pete & The Pirates, The Veils, and more recently Mystery Jets. The group's popularity skyrocketed and so it was highly time for Please Turn Me Into The Snat, the forth album, to be released (in 2010) in UK and New Zealand. The rest of Europe waited till 2011 to get a re-edition called Forever Dolphin Love
This album is surely one the most beautiful thing I've ever eard. Connan's universe is simply amazing and his songs are all masterpieces you could loop listen tirelessly. By the way, this universe is very well transcripted into the clips that are splendid. That's the word.


  1. /?p=%2BKHW5iJxE%2BihVOiWFPygEftsmvsNAejzKZenA%2BPpFER%2BIDn9xweQ5hxk8uYuZWuCIJuoKKSrmYUpFi8gZGnajQ%3D%3D


  2. Antoine18/4/11

    Dieu est donc musicien ?
