
Space Is Only Noise - Nicolas Jaar

Nicolas Jaar is a young (20 years old) American-Chilean musician. He was born in NY but quickly relocated to Santiago de Chile with his mother and finally came back as a teenager. His childhood was marked by the popularity of his parents (his father, Alfredo Jaar, is a famous filmmaker ndlr), and became very dependent on his parents' artistic tastes. Portishead, Beck and Radiohead albums were listened again and again at home. Then, very influenced by Erik Satie, Nicolas started to make organic electronic music at the age of 14. His real debut was at 17, when he released The Student EP. Sometimes compared to Fever Ray, he is soon considered as an audascious promising musician, and is even elevated as a reference by some wise music lovers. 
Nicolas Jaar is currently Junior at the prestigious Brown University where he studies comparative literature. He is also the owner and founder of his own label Clown and Sunset...
His first full-length album is called Space Is Only Noise. Slow, mysterious, hypnotic, modest, aerial, modern, pioneering, melodious and quiet are all adjectives that describe this perfect album. You can't miss it.
To conclude I'd like to share with you this excerpt from an interview he gave to Les Inrocks : 
"I wanted a record where the songs could be jealous from each other, where some may even hate each other. There is for example this very pop song in the middle (Space Is Only Noise If You Can See) wich has little to do with the others, but could be the one most downloaded on iTunes. So the other songs would regard it as the whore of the disc. People do not spend anymore time to buy and listen a full album, they are happy with only one song, so I'm helping them by dragging this glib song in an experimental set. Tricky..."


  1. /?xsfbjsyh3kkfl35

  2. Gaga Dealé18/4/11

    la pute de l'album est pourtant plutôt méga géniale non ?...
